Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Week

I can’t believe I have already been at Stonehill for a week. It’s been a crazy week adjusting to everything. I feel a lot more comfortable here today than I did the first day, but I know that I have a lot of stuff left to figure out. Move-in was a very interesting experience. It’s so weird seeing pretty much everything you own sprawled out on the floor. It was really hard to know where to start with the unpacking because I felt like I had so much stuff. But, once it was all unpacked, it was a lot less intimidating. Thankfully, everything fit nicely in my room. It was a lot bigger than I expected. My dorm even has its own bathroom. We are the only room in our residence hall that has its own, so my roommates and I were really excited.

We also started classes this week. It took a little adjusting, but overall I really enjoy all of my classes. I don’t have too much homework yet, though I know that will change soon. Its so nice having so much time in between classes. I am so used to high school just walking from class to class. I love being able to relax between.

This weekend is a three-day weekend, so I am really excited. There is a lot of fun stuff planned on campus as part of welcome week, including a Reel Big Fish concert tonight and a barbecue tomorrow. We also had activities fair today. I signed up for some really good stuff. I can’t wait until everything really gets started! Pictures coming soon!

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